Congratulations to Heidi Hand, Debbie Bramer, the Ciarmoli, North and Rainford families and the other amazing group of volunteers for their hard work at Easter Egg Hunt held at Winona Park. There were over 400 very happy children in attendance and it is just wonderful to see this type of activity happening in Winona.
Many thanks to the 1st Winona Venturers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers as well as Winona residents who braved the cold and damp conditions to clean up Winona Park on Barton Street this past Saturday. Thanks to Tim Horton’s, drinks and snacks were provided for the group. More than 20 garbage and recycling bags were filled. Remember, we don’t have to wait for Earth Day to look after our community, we should care about Mother Earth all year round.
Erland Lee Museum will be having a clean up on Saturday, April 28th starting at 9:30. Everyone is welcome and please feel free to bring your clippers, mowers, rakes etc. The Erland Lee is located on Ridge Road at the top of the Dewitt Mountain Access.
The next Community Meeting for Winona is planned for Tuesday, May 29th, starting at 6:30 and it will be held at the Stoney Creek Municipal Building, 777 Hwy #8 at Jones Rd. The agenda will include and overview of the results from the Recreation Survey and update on the type and level of emergency services provided for the Winona Community.
The call is going out to anyone interested in participating in a “Winona Christmas Lighting contest”. There has been talk about this for quite some time and it would be great to hear your views and also see how many would be interested. Please call or email me, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
I have recently met with staff about the need for improvements to our sidewalks in Winona. Staff are doing some costing and will report back to me when that is complete. It is recognized that the pathways on Hwy #8 and also on Barton St., need attention. Money has been set aside in the budget to do some of these works and I want to make sure that the areas most in need are looked at.
Upcoming events in the Winona area; April 28 from 9am – noon, Fifty United Church will hold a Rummage, Bake & Garage Sale, and on the same date starting at 9:30 is the Erland Lee clean up. Binbrook Country Craft and Home Show at the Binbrook Fairgrounds on Hwy #56 on May 5th & 6th from 10am – 4pm and this event will also have a car show on the Sunday. The Stoney Creek Citizen of the Year Event will be held on May 10th, contact Stoney Creek Chamber of Commerce for info & tickets.