Speeding and Trucks Off-Route
Having safe roads is essential to a happy, safe community. Below, find the fastest, most efficient way to deal with these issues with the City of Hamilton.

Road Speeding
Are you experiencing speeding on our neighbourhood roads? See below for what to do if you encounter speeding.

Trucks Off-Route
The City of Hamilton has a dedicated Truck Route plan and map. Please see below for information on the route, mapping, and City contacts for issues.

Aggressive Driving
Aggressive Driving can be reported. See below for what to do if you encounter aggressive driving.
In order for traffic calming measures (such as speed bumps) to be added to a location our traffic department would first need to conduct a traffic study. Please send us an email detailing the location you feel is a problem with speeding and we will email our traffic operations team and ask that they please review your email and provide suggestions in regards to deterring speeding along your road.
Please be aware that currently the demands on our City Traffic Department Staff has created a back log of requests for investigations and therefore we ask for your patience. Staff prioritize investigations based on potential risk factors. Examples of reviews that are prioritized include pedestrian safety concerns, sightlines issues, and school zones. In the short term, staff are documenting all requests and would again ask for your patience as they work through their investigations. Once the investigation is complete staff will provide a response including review results and recommendations.
Please send us an email through the contact form at the bottom of this page.
We also have a Slow down, Safety zone sign program available through the City that we find is helpful in reducing speeds in neighbourhoods.
Our ‘Slow Down, Safety Zone’ lawn sign program is developed from our Traffic Roadway Safety Section and is available to residents through the Councillors office to promote safer streets and remind drivers to reduce their speed in residential areas.
Signs are available free of charge and available for pick up at the Glanbrook Municipal Service Centre (4280 Binbrook Road, next to the Glanbrook Arena) or any City Municipal Service Centre.
Trucks Off-Route
The City of Hamilton has a dedicated truck route for all heavy trucks. ​
See the Map: Truck Route Map 2023​
The majority of materials consumed in Hamilton are now transported exclusively by trucks to their final destinations. The city's transportation landscape has evolved, with a decreased focus on heavy industry in the north-east quadrant of the lower city and the introduction of key transportation facilities like the Lincoln Alexander Parkway/Red Hill Valley Parkway system. Hamilton's Truck Route Network plays a vital role in directing trucks onto appropriate roadways.
The Truck Route Network serves the following purposes:
Facilitate the safe and efficient movement of goods and services.
Acknowledge and seek to mitigate the impacts of truck traffic on the broader community's interests, including concerns related to safety, congestion, noise, and air quality.
Safeguard the city's road infrastructure by directing trucks away from roads that cannot withstand heavy loads or are otherwise unsuitable for truck traffic, such as those with narrow lanes or weight restrictions on bridges.
Enforcement of these restrictions, as stipulated in the By-law, falls solely under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton Police Service (HPS). The City’s Truck Route Signing System employs both Permissive and Restrictive signage. While trucks are expected to adhere to designated routes, they may temporarily leave the permissive route to reach their destination using the most direct path from the truck route.
Report Trucks in Violation of City's Truck Bylaw:
​Contact the Hamilton Police Service through the non-emergency line at 905-546-4925.
Aggressive Driving
We encourage you to make use of the Hamilton Police Aggressive Drivers Program.
You can report aggressive driving and speeding to this hotline to make the police aware of problem drivers.
Aggressive Drivers Hotline: 905-546-1768
Aggressive Drivers Email: aggressivedriver@hamiltonpolice.on.ca
Additional information regarding this program can be found at https://hamiltonpolice.on.ca/road-safety/driving-violations