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Street Lighting 


Report street light repair or maintenance

Call 905-546-2098


For more information:

Street Lighting

Hamilton manages around 45,000 streetlights, with approximately 40,000 of them featuring LED cobra-head designs tailored for roadway illumination.


While some decorative luminaires still utilize High Pressure Sodium or Metal Halide lamps, there is an ongoing transition to LED lights due to their superior energy efficiency and reduced maintenance needs.


To optimize efficiency and minimize maintenance expenses, the City has implemented a proactive streetlight replacement program. This program is strategically timed based on the maximum usable service life of a streetlight lamp, ensuring a consistent and reliable lighting infrastructure.


We repair and are responsible for

  • failed lights

  • cycling lights (lights that come on and off repeatedly)

  • lights that are stuck on

  • leaning or damaged poles

  • other safety and community concerns


To obtain locates for street lighting cables, contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255.




If a streetlight is burnt out or needs repair and it is not an emergency, the City will repair it within 5 working days.


We respond to emergency street light repairs immediately. Emergencies include:

  • open luminaires (unlatched)

  • luminaire hanging by its' wires

  • exposed wires

  • any other situation that could be an immediate risk to the public

  • motor vehicle accidents involving street light, no matter how severe the damage 


Report issues with lighting on a Provincial route (i.e., Highway 403, QEW or parts of Highway 6 not maintained by the City of Hamilton) to the Ministry of Transportation's Corridor Maintenance office at 1-866-636-0663.

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