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Roger Communications “Binbrook Project”

This is to notify you that Rogers Communications will be starting a project in Binbrook on parts of Tanglewood Drive, Wills Crescent and Wilbur Drive.

Ledcor under contract to Rogers will be installing fiber optic infrastructure in the City Right-of-Way starting Friday May 1st for approximately 3-4 weeks. Notices have been mailed out to the residents.

Due to the nature of this work, they will be required to excavate on municipal property with construction on the neighborhood streets. Crews will be in the area marking underground utilities, such as gas and water, to ensure the work does not affect these utilities. Impacted areas will be restored back to their original state in accordance with municipal guidelines.

Work will strictly be within the Right-of Way. No work will be done on private property at this time due to the Covid 19 situation.

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