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Private well water testing program marks World Water Day

HAMILTON, ON – March 16, 2012 – The City of Hamilton Public Health Services will mark World Water Day which is March 22, with its annual reminder to private well owners/users to have the water tested for bacteria.

WHO: City of Hamilton’s Public Health Services and Brenda Johnson, Ward 11 Councillor

WHAT: Launching the annual education and promotion campaign to rural well owners/users about the importance of testing their water for bacteria. This is a FREE service provided by the Public Health Ontario and Hamilton Public Health Services.

WHERE: 6305 Airport Road, Mount Hope (between Miles and Nebo Rd) at the residence of Marie and Dale Smith.

WHEN: Monday March 19, 2012 – 1:30 pm

WHY: Test results for 2011 show that approximately 26 percent of water samples taken from private residential wells and cisterns in Hamilton have unsafe levels of bacteria, including E. coli. This rate is based on 2,967 drinking water samples that were collected and tested. The presence of the bacteria in drinking water indicates the water is potentially unsafe. The health of those who use it is at risk.

This March, Hamilton Public Health Services is issuing a Hamilton Rural Well Water Quality Report to all rural residents in Hamilton. This report outlines health related concerns identified in well water throughout Hamilton, including bacteria and other chemicals of concern; how to test the quality of well water; and how to maintain wells and prevent contamination to ensure its safe to drink. The Report will be mailed to all properties with a private water supply and will also be available at all water bottle pick-up locations throughout the City of Hamilton and online at

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