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Bellmoore’s Moving Open House – “The Last Walk Through” June 21st, 2012 from

Celebrate your past and offer good fortune to the future students of the current Bellmoore school building.

You are invited to Bellmoore’s Moving Open House where you will have a chance to share memories and catch up with friends, classmates and colleagues on Thursday, June 21st, 2012 from 5:30 – 8:00 pm at 2121 Hwy #56, Binbrook.

If you have any photos or memorabilia from your time at Bellmoore, and you are willing to lend your items for display, please drop off your labelled items to the school office by Thursday, June 14, 2012. All photos and memorabilia will be returned after the open house.

For more informatino, please contact Laurie Leavens at 905-692-5435 or by email at

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