Rec Programs Offered at Valley Park Community Centre
The following is a brief overview of the programs that will be offered at the Valley Park Community Centre this winter. They are listed in the new Hamilton Recreation Winter 2018 Guide that is now available in most community use buildings. Registration is from December 11 – 15th, 2017, register online at
INFANT/TODDLER 0-3 Yrs Creative Playgroup (with parent) and Tumble Playgroup (with parent).
PRESCHOOL 3-5 Yrs Creative Playgroup, Exploring Gymnastics, Exploring Movement, Exploring Music, Exploring Science, Exploring Sports, Learners Playgroup and Tumble Playgroup.
CHILD 6-8 Yrs Acro, Art, Badminton, Basketball, Cheerleading, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Hip Hop, Science, Singing, Soccer and Volleyball.
CHILD 9-12 Yrs Acro, Anime, Badminton, Basketball, Cartooning, Cheerleading, Dodgeball, Drama, Floor Hockey, Gymnastics, Hip Hop, Science, Soccer and Volleyball.
ADULT Badminton, Boot Camp, Cardio Blast, Cardio Dance, Core, Drawing, Power, Stroller Fit, Volleyball (competitive), Yoga (chair), Yoga Hatha and Yoga Vinyasa.
Rec Programs offered Winona Community Centre
PRESCHOOL 3-5 Yrs Exploring Arts, Exploring Gymnastics, Exploring Movement, Exploring Music, Exploring Science and Exploring Sports.
CHILD 6-8 Yrs Basketball, Crafts, Floor Hockey, Gymnastics, healthy Cooking, Hip Hop, Science, Singing, Soccer and Sports Blast.
CHILD 9-12 Yrs Anime, Baking, Basketball, Dodgeball, Drama, Drawing, Floor Hockey, Healthy Cooking, Hip Hop, Science and Soccer.
TEEN 13-17 Yoga
ADULT Boot Camp, Cardio Blast, Circuit Fit, Core, Kettlebell, Pilates, Pilates (level 2), Yoga Hatha and Yoga Vinyasa
Binbrook Rec Programs – offered at St. Matthews Catholic School
PRESCHOOL 3-5 Yrs Exploring Movement and Exploring Sports
CHILD 6-8 Yrs Basketball, Floor Hockey, Soccer, Sports Blast and Tap
CHILD 9-12 Yrs Basketball, Dodgeball, Floor Hockey, Skipping & Soccer
ADULT Cardio Balance & Strength
Pick up a copy of the Winter Recreation Guide or go on line and get all the details for these programs and others offered at other locations