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Winona Community Updates


The Winona Peach Festival was a huge success and the weather contributed greatly to a fantastic weekend.   The Winona Men’s Club reports that they sold approximately 26,000 to 27,000 ice cream sundaes over the weekend.  I’d like to take this time to thank everyone who attended and volunteered at the Winona Peach Festival. Without you, this festival wouldn’t be the great success that it is. Thank You!

Costco was the number one question asked at my Councillor Booth at the Peach Festival was “When is Costco Coming?” This is a frequent question both in and out of the office and all we can tell you is that all the zoning is in place and the developer can start when they are ready. We are advised that Costco is committed to this location as well as a number of other smaller stores, banks and restaurants. Walmart withdrew from the project a while ago.

There is another commercial development that you may see break ground and it’s on the west side of Vince Mazza Way. This development will be home to seven retail commercial shops and this developer is moving fast through the process as he’s ready to go. This development is independent of the other.

Aggressive driving is another common complaint in our residential neighbours and that that includes both speeding and rolling through stop signs. Police have been busy going throughout the areas and they have advised that the great majority of the time, the offenders live right in the neighbourhood. We even have cases where one offender is complaining about speeding on their road and then they are caught speeding on neighbouring street.

I would ask that everyone leave a few minutes early when heading out. Speeding and abuse of traffic rules can cost you more than just a ticket, it can cause an accident. As residents, if you see an aggressive driver please do your best to get the license plate number or the address of where they live.   It also helps to have a description of the vehicle and driver if possible and then call the Police Aggressive Driver hotline at 905-546-1768. Police in turn will make contact with the driver reqarding the complaint made.

Some residents have reported back that they noticed a difference after using the Aggressive Driver Hotline. Others have advised that they don’t want to get their neighbours in trouble. Ultimately the call is your choice, just remember it is set up to be an anonymous call.

The Winona Community Centre (formerly known as the Winona Public School) is getting minor repairs in anticipation of a soft opening this Fall with full recreational programing to begin in the New Year.


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