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Winona Break-Ins UPDATE

Given the recent car break ins in our Community I would like to remind you to report any and all issues or concerns to the Police. Please report everything (regardless of value), a break in, crime or mischief of any nature needs to be brought to the attention or the Police, if they don’t know about it, they can’t respond. If you have made a report and have not had a response from the Police within a reasonable time frame, please let me know and I will contact the Police about it.

I have also been contacted by some residents who are quite concerned about residents organizing to patrol the neighbourhoods looking for suspect individuals. Their concern is with residents taking the law into their own hands and they fear that innocent people will be threatened or harmed by these actions. The Police advise that you will be wasting their valuable time when they stop to question you and that allows the “bad guys” to continue their movement.

In my regular discussions with the Police, I am advised that this is not the best solution. If there is a problem, report it to the Police so they are aware. Unfortunately many residents do not report minor incidents and that isn’t helping the Police with their investigations. They need to know what is happening and what the patterns are so they can respond accordingly.

Also, please remember to lock your vehicles and keep any valuables inside the vehicle out of sight. If you keep your garage door opener in your vehicle, keep it out of sight or even better, take it in your home along with your keys. Leave an outside light on when it is night or possible a motion sensor light.

The police have advised that many thefts from vehicles are done when the vehicle isn’t locked. Many thefts from your property happen in the dark with no lights. Please keep in mind that most “bad guys” don’t want to be caught, they don’t want confrontation and they just want a quick grab and go. If a light turns on, they leave, if a dog starts barking loudly, they leave, if the vehicle doors are locked, they leave and if a neighbour looks out their window or turns on their lights, they leave.

Quick Tips that really help:

1.Are there lights you could leave on in both the front and rear of your home after dark? Light sensors also work well. 2.Do you lock your vehicle in your driveway? 3.Are there any valuables that you can see looking into your vehicle, even if it’s locked. 4.If you see someone unknown on your neighbours property, you should mention it to your neighbour and if suspicious, call it in.

Remember, let the Police do the job they are trained and hired to do and help them do that job by keeping them informed.

Hamilton East End Station – 905-546-2929 Crime Stoppers for Anonymous Calls – 1-800-222-tips Aggressive Driver Hotline – 905-546-1768 On line reporting and information at


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