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Ward 11 Updates for Winona, Fruitland and Upper Stoney Creek

•Winona Park Outdoor skating rink is ready to go and waiting to freeze. Thank you to all the volunteers who came together to set up and flood the rink. The rink is maintained completely by volunteers. New volunteers are always welcome to help with the rink.

•The Police Chief and the Fire Chief will be invited to the next Community Meeting to give an opportunity for residents to meet them personally and to also give them the opportunity to hear from local residents.

•The City of Hamilton is conducting a comprehensive review of the Discharge of Firearms By-Law. The Fire Arms Discharge By-law public meeting will be held on February 13th from 6-8:30pm at the Glanbrook Municipal Building.

•Most of the appeals to the Fruitland Winona Secondary Plan (formerly SCUBE) have been resolved, so applications will start coming in shortly. Councillor Johnson will do her best to keep everyone informed so that residents can make comments on what is being proposed.

•228 Glover Road has been released from the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) so now the developer will start planning for his development. An application has come in for a sales trailer, but there has been no application for development as of yet.

•The Provincial Government has completed its review of the Green Belt and as of this date the Province is not willing to take any lands out of the Green Belt in Ward 11. In Winona, Fruitland and Rural Upper Stoney Creek, the green belt remains unchanged.

•The South Service Road is seeing road closures and construction. The section of South Service Road near Fruitland Road will be a short term closure to accommodate upgrades, but the section of South Service Road, just west of Fifty Road will remain closed until the end of summer to accommodate the servicing for the Commercial Development which will be home to Costco.


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