The Planning Committee is holding a Public Meeting under the Planning Act, to consider changes: . Rural Hamilton Official Plan Amendment to correct land use designations; to expand and clarify uses in the Agriculture and Rural designations; to update/change the Rural Settlement Area designations (maps) and text to reflect up to date hazard/conservation lands (natural open space) and land use designations;
City of Hamilton Zoning By-law No. 05-200 to add 11 new zones (text) that will apply to the rural area: Rural Zones: Agriculture (A1), Rural (A2), Existing Rural Commercial (E1), Existing Rural Industrial (E2), Settlement Residential (S1), Settlement Commercial (S2) and Settlement Institutional (S3) Parks and Open Space Zones: Conservation Hazard Lands – Rural (P6, P7 and P8) Industrial Zone: Mineral Aggregate Extraction (M-12) – only for those lands that were zoned in the former zoning bylaws; to add new definitions, general provisions and parking requirements that implement the 11 new zones; to prohibit certain uses within source protection areas in the Carlisle, Freelton, Greensville and Lynden areas; and to zone all the lands with the rural area (see themap below), except for: 1. Lands under Development Control of the Niagara Escarpment Commission; 2. Lands generally bounded by Garner Road East, Highway 6 South, Glancaster Road, White Church Road, Carluke Road and Fiddlers Green Road; 3. Pleasantview, Dundas – Lands north and south of York Road between Patterson Road and Highway 6; 4. Portions within the Greensville Rural Settlement Area; 5. Lands located at the southeast corner of Swayze Road and Regional Road 20; 6. Lands located north of Highway 8 between the existing urban boundary and Fifty Road; and, 7. Lands at the southeast corner of Brock Road and Concession 4West.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Session 1: 2pmto 5pm Session 2:6pmto 8pm Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, CityHall 71 Main Street West, Hamilton
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendments is to create one set of new zones, general provisions and parking requirements for the Rural Area. These new zones will provide consistency across Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, Glanbrook and Stoney Creek for uses that are allowed and the regulations for these uses. The new zones also expand economic opportunities for the rural and agricultural lands. As part of this project, an Amendment to the Rural Hamilton Official Plan is required to update mapping and text to implement the new zones.
ACCESSING THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND REPORT Official Plan Amendment March 13, 2015 – Copies of the proposed Rural Hamilton Official Plan Amendment will be available at the City of Hamilton Planning and Economic Development Department, City Hall, 71 Main Street West, 4th Floor from 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Staff Report ,Official Plan Amendment and Proposed Zoning Text and Maps March 20, 2015 – Copies of the staff report and the proposed Rural Hamilton Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments will be available on line at or the City of Hamilton Planning and Economic Development Department, City Hall, 71 Main Street West, 4th Floor or the Municipal Service Centres from 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Planning Committee Agenda March 25, 2015, 2015 – Copies of the Planning Committee agenda, including staff reports will be available online at and at the City of Hamilton Clerks Department, City Hall, 71 Main Street West, 1st Floor from 8:30am – 4:30pm.
HOWTO REGISTER AS A DELEGATIONORPROVIDECOMMENTSAT THE PUBLIC MEETING Written Comments: If you wish to submit comments for inclusion in the Agenda for the Meeting, please contact Ida Bedioui (contact information below). . Presentation: Anyone interested in making a presentation is asked to pre-register as a delegation by no later than 12:00 noon on March 30, 2015 by contacting:
Ida Bedioui, Legislative Co-ordinator, City Clerks Office, 1st Floor 71Main StreetWest, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4Y5 Phone: 905-546-2424 Ext. 4605 Email:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Information respecting this process is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. All comments and opinions submitted to the City of Hamilton on this matter, including the name, address and contact information of persons submitting comments and/or opinions will become part of the public record and will be made available to the general public. Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this program or event, please contact one of the people listed in this ad. Advanced requests are highly encouraged to enable us to meet your needs adequately.