Do you have an “in case of emergency” contact for your dog? That’s what your dog licence is. The City of Hamilton is going to help you get one. They are forgiving any late fees for dog licences in May.
It’s as easy as one, two and three. Firstly, log on to the city website or drop by Animal Services, City Hall or one of the municipal centres, to get an application. Secondly, submit your application and pay the fee. Thirdly, when you receive it, put your tag onto your dog’s collar.
Here’s the peace of mind for you as a dog owner. If your dog is wearing its tag and gets lost and Animal Services finds them, they’ll get a free ride home once year. It’s also most likely that your dog will be returned to you safe and sound and, if not the next day, certainly within a couple of days.
Here’s what happens to your dog when they are not licensed and they don’t have a tag on their collar.
Dog licences must be renewed every year and it is important to do this so your contact information is up to date. The City of Hamilton’s Responsible Animal Ownership Bylaw requires that all dog owners obtain an annual dog licence. The tag must be attached to the dog’s collar.
“We know that people get busy and often forget about renewing or even buying a dog licence. For this reason, we are forgiving any late fees for the entire month of May,” said Ken Leendertse, Director of Licensing and Bylaw Services. “We know dog owners love their pets. Keeping them safe by buying an annual licence helps to ensure that they are.”
The licence program is also a community builder. One dollar from each licence goes towards funding Hamilton’s leash-free dog parks. Licensing fees are also used to care and feed other lost or stray pets the come into the shelter. So your fee helps take care of other animals in their time of need.
The City of Hamilton’s Animal Services estimates that there are approximately 70,000 dogs across Hamilton but only about half are licensed. So at any point, that’s a significant amount of animals that are open to being lost with no way home. Animal Services aims to change all that.
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