HAMILTON, ON – The City of Hamilton is announcing some brief operational updates as it relates to the COVID-19 response in Hamilton.
City park recommendations The City of Hamilton is strongly recommending that residents avoid the use of City park equipment. Residents are welcome to enjoy park greenspaces in small groups while observing social distancing practices, however, they should be aware that park equipment and play structures are not sanitized. The City strongly recommends against the use of City park equipment.
Community Recycling Centres Re-opening The City will be re-opening its three Community Recycling Centres to accommodate residents who are taking this opportunity to do some spring cleaning. Also the transfer stations will re-open to commercial businesses. These facilities can operate while maintaining social distancing. Only credit/debit payments will be available at this time.
Parking Parking enforcement for residential permits, time limits (12hr, 1hr etc.) have been relaxed until further notice to help those working from home or self-isolating. However if residents notice any vehicles blocking driveways or bike lanes, please report to 905-540-6000.
Hamilton Farmers’ Market The Hamilton Farmers’ Market remains open at this time Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays with most vendors open for business, including take-out prepared food. Be sure to practice the 6 foot social distancing rule and use the sanitizer stations at the entrances to the facility.
Additional Resources •For regular City of Hamilton COVID-19 updates, please visit www.hamilton.ca/coronavirus and www.hamilton.ca/covidclosures •Visit www.ontario.ca/coronavirus to learn more about how the province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19 •Public Health Services’ COVID-19 Hotline 905-974-9848 or phscovid19@hamilton.ca