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City Ward Boundary Review

Why a Ward Boundary Review?

  1. The City of Hamilton’s population has gone up more than 30,000 people since the last review in 2001

  2. To ensure effective representation for all citizens

The City is working with Watson and Associates Economists Ltd., as well as Dr. Robert J. Williams, Trust Learning Solutions and ICA Associates Inc. The consultants will operate independently from Council and City staff as they work with residents and stakeholders to design possible ward boundary lines.

Guiding principles

The City will use these guiding principles to ensure options for change are determined in a fair and open process that will benefit the City as a whole.

  1. Representation by Population Ensure that every Councillor represents an equal number of constituents while allowing for some variation

  2. Population and Electoral Trends Look at future increases or decreases in population to keep ward sizes as balanced as possible until at least 2018

  3. Means of Communication and Accessibility Group existing neighbourhoods into wards that reflect current transportation and communication patterns

  4. Geographical and Topographical Features Use natural features as ward boundaries while keeping wards as compact as possible

  5. Community or Diversity of Interests Draw ward boundary lines around recognized settlement areas, traditional neighbourhoods, and community groupings, not through them

  6. Effective Representation ​Evaluate the capacity of each ward to give residents an effective voice in decision-making​

Current ward structure

  1. City Council consists of an elected Mayor and 15 Ward Councillors

Project timeline

The ward boundary review study began in October 2015. Ward boundary options and the consultants’ report will be presented to Council in fall 2016.

Phase 1

  1. Review data

  2. Develop public engagement strategy

  3. Gather information on the present ward system

Phase 2

  1. Public meetings

  2. Consultation sessions will be held to look at the current wards and future options

Phase 3

  1. Prepare and present report on initial options to General Issues Committee

  2. Hold public consultation

Phase 4

  1. Finalize report

  2. Report to be presented to Council fall 2016

If you’ve missed a public information and engagement workshop…

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Watch the Key Note Speaker video

View Hamilton Ward Boundary Review Open House Presentation

Submit your feedback on key questions asked at the workshops


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