Councillor Brenda Johnson has heard the complaints about long waits for a trans cab and has managed to get a designated cab for transcab use only. Some residents expressed their concern about the length of time for a trans cab to pick them up and also that they couldn’t book set pickup times in advance for the cab.
These problems should all solved now that we have one cab designated to strickly be at the service of the Binbrook Trans Cab Program. The cab will always be in either Elfrida or Binbrook waiting for the call to pickup a transcab user. This cab will never be pulled away of the area, so the long waits will be gone.
The process to use the Trans Cab remains the same, call 905-777-7777 and request a pickup. You give the cab driver your bus ticket plus 50cents. If you are returning to Elfrida after being away, you simply let your bus driver know that you need a Trans Cab and he’ll radio ahead and have one waiting for you.
Trans Cab service is an extention HSR’s #44 Rymal Bus route. It is available Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays) from 6:00am to 9:30pm in the urban portions of Binbrook.
If you have used the service in the past, please try it again and let us know what you think of it now. We want to make sure that it works properly.