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Binbrook Skate Board Park “Big Hit with Youth”

The official opening was on Saturday July 5th and there were lots and lots of users and spectators in attendance. The weather was amazing and perfect for the day.

The day starting with an opening ceremony and ribbon cutting and then went right into competitions for Scooter, BMX & Skateboards.  The age groups were divided into High School and Elementary School or younger.   We got to see a lot of youth showing off their stuff and even a 3 year old made us smile with his scooter abilities.

Shoppers Drug Mart was on site with a tent and they handed out cold water, freezes and you could get your face painted as well.  They were a big hit given the hot weather.

Tim Horton’s provided coffee, timbits which was a nice treat for all.  They also donated some gift cards that were awarded to our judges and DJ.

A local resident donated his services as DJ and allowed the use of his microphone so that announcements were heard clearly.

We also had a very generous donation of skate board equipment and wear to help make the day special.  The skateboard company also donated some boards and wear to assist with the event.   All in all, everyone was amazed at the amount and quality of the prizes being handed out to the winners.  Everyone also got skateboard related stickers to take home.

The youth who assisted with organizing the competitions agreed that another competition at the end of the summer would be a good thing, so some of the donated prizes have been held back for the fall event.

Councillor Johnson was honoured to be in attendance at this official opening of the Skate Park.  She has been totally impressed with the input and assistance from the youth involved and hopes that it will continue into the future.

It was recognized that equipment use at the park is creating a lot of noise for some local residents.  Councillor Johnson is working with staff and the company to resolve some of the noise issues.   At this time it has been determined that the best method is spraying the inside of the units with foam and that will generate at 50% reduction in the noise.  Staff are working on the details of having this done and will keep you posted as the works proceed.

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