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Glanbrook Community Meeting – 2 Topics – March 8th

On Tuesday March 8th, 2016 @ 7pm Councillor Johnson will be hosting a 2 part Community Meeting “Community Safety & Hunting By-law”.  The meeting will be held at the Glanbrook Municipal Building, 4280 Binbrook Rd (next to the Arena & Soccer Fields)

The first part of the meeting is a follow-up to the recent Community Policing Meeting where some residents asked for a meeting to talk about community safety and what they can do to protect their property.   There are a lot of good tips for residents to remember that can deter mischief.   Although the Community Watch Program doesn’t formally exist any longer, there are still initiatives that can be taken to create an informed Community.   The Police are willing to attend this meeting to talk about what you can do as a resident to protect your property, keep an eye on your neighbourhood and also know when to contact the police when something isn’t quite right.

The second part of the meeting will be about the Hunting By-law for the City of Hamilton.  Our City By-law staff will be on hand to give you an overview of the rules and regulations that make up this by-law and you will have an opportunity to ask questions so that you understand what can and cannot happen when someone is hunting in our Community.

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