You need to remove your flowers & wreaths by April 19th, 2015
The Annual Spring Maintenance Program within Hamilton’s 67 municipally owned and operated cemeteries is underway (weather permitting). A variety of post winter maintenance services will be conducted including general grounds maintenance; leaf and litter pick up, additional litter container installations, grave levelling, turf repairs, display bed preparation, flat marker maintenance (cleaning and levelling), foundation installations, and the activation of the water lines. In consideration of weather conditions, we will once again push back the date that artificial flowers and wreaths need to be removed by plot owners, as compared to previous years (normally April 1st). Therefore, artificial flowers and wreaths will have a removal deadline of Sunday, April 19, 2015. Any items not removed by this date will be removed by staff and will be stored for 60 days for reclamation by their owners. Public notification respecting the removal of these items is conveyed through newspaper notices, social media and site signage. A notice will be placed in The Spectator on March 27 and April 2, 2015 as well as in the Hamilton Community News on April 2, 2015. The removal of wreaths and artificial flowers allows staff to conduct spring maintenance on the cemetery sites so that they are in the best possible condition for Mother’s Day.