At the November 19th Planning committee held at the Stoney Creek Municipal Building, the planning staff have recommended that the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan be tabled until the February, 2014 Planning Committee Meeting so that the Ward Councillor “Brenda Johnson” can work with staff and community to try and tweak the plan.
Councillor Johnson advised that this is an excellent opportunity for us. It’s another chance to try and resolve some issues that weren’t working. This secondary plan process has to meet the needs of not only new growth, but also those currently living in the Fruitland/Winona area.
Brenda is looking forward to working with the community for the positive changes. Some of the key areas of concern for Councillor Johnson is density, building height, the location of the proposed large active park which is adjacent to the proposed 2 new elementary schools and the lack of final details on the recommended new road location between Fruitland & Jones Rd’s.
The planning meeting was very well attended and the former Stoney Creek Council Chambers was filled to capacity. There were some who chose seats in the foyer where they could listen to the meeting over the speaker system.
The folloiwng is a recent article advising of the November 19th meeting and why it was needed:
On June 4, 2013, there was a Planning Committee meeting on the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan. This was the required formal Public Meeting.
The Secondary Plan was an amendment to both the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth Official Plan and the former City of Stoney Creek Official Plan. The Secondary Plan was approved, with modifications, by Council on June 26, 2013.
After the June, 2013 Public Meeting, the Urban Hamilton Official Plan (UHOP) was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The UHOP replaces the Stoney Creek Official Plan, including the Official Plan Amendment for the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan that was adopted by Council in June, 2013.
Simply put, we need to repeat the process to include the Secondary Plan in the new Urban Hamilton Official Plan.
What are the next steps? The new Statutory Public Meeting (a formal public meeting under the Planning Act) has been scheduled for:
When: Tuesday November 19, 2013, starting at 9:30am
Where: The former Council Chambers at the Stoney Creek Municipal Centre 777 Highway No. 8 (at Jones Road), Stoney Creek
The formal Notice of the Public Meeting will be published in the Stoney Creek News on October 31, 2013, and the At Your Service section of the Hamilton Spectator on November 1, 2013.
Please note that this letter is not the formal Notice of the Statutory Public Meeting.
What happens to the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan that was approved in June, 2013? The Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan that was approved in June, 2013 could no longer be implemented when the Urban Hamilton Official Plan was approved in August 2013. The Plan that will be brought forward on November 19th will mirror the modified Secondary Plan that was approved by Council in June, with a few minor changes for clarification purposes. The Plan will be available for viewing on November 1, 2013, on our website or in person on the 1st or 6th floors of Hamilton City Hall located at 71 Main Street West, Hamilton, or at the Stoney Creek Municipal Service Centre. The entire staff report will be available on the City’s website on November 15, 2013.
Can I participate? Yes, we encourage you to participate – this is a critical Public Meeting. Anyone who has an interest in the Plan (Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan) is encouraged to participate in the Statutory Public Meeting by either sending in written comments to the City of Hamilton Clerks Department or attending the meeting and making an oral presentation. The Planning Act sets out the appeal process. Your written comments or presentation will preserve your right to appeal the Fruitland-Winona Secondary Plan (UHOP) amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board; since this process is distinct and separate from the Stoney Creek amendment and the associated appeals.
If you wish to speak or provide written comments for the November 19 meeting, please contact Vanessa Robicheau, Coordinator, Planning Committee:
Clerks Department 71 Main Street West, First Floor Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5 905-546-2424, ext. 2729
If you wish to discuss this letter further with a planning staff person, please contact Michelle Sergi (contact information below) or Alissa Mahood who can be reached by phone at 905-546-2424 ext. 1250 or email
Michelle Sergi MCIP, RPP Manager, Community Planning Email: Phone: 905-546-2424 ext. 1281
Glossary of Terms
Urban Hamilton Official Plan (UHOP): The Urban Hamilton Official Plan is a long term plan that provides direction and guidance on the management of our communities, land use change and physical development over the next 30 years.
Statutory Public Meeting: A Statutory Public Meeting of Planning Committee is a formal public meeting under the Ontario Planning Act held for the purpose of giving the public an opportunity to make representations in respect of the current proposed plan (i.e., an amendment to the official plan) prior to Council making a decision.
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB): The Ontario Municipal Board is an independent administrative tribunal responsible for hearing appeals on municipal land use decisions.