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By the numbers: doses-to-date To date, in cooperation with our community partners, we have administered 21,857 COVID-19 vaccines. Of those 21,857 vaccines, upwards of 5,200 people have received their second doses and are now fully vaccinated. This is encouraging news!

What is happening? • Mobile Clinic. This coming week, the Mobile Clinic will continue to provide second doses of vaccine to residents in long-term care and high-risk retirement homes within the original timelines (21-27 days for Pfizer and 28 days for Moderna) by vaccine type. As of now, our planned end date for the mobile vaccination clinic doing second dose at LTC and high-risk retirement homes is February 21st. This is based on logistics, availability and is subject to change. • Our Mobile Clinic also was able to attend the Satellite Health Facility yesterday to vaccinate eligible recipients, many of the patients in the facility are awaiting placement in long-term care homes and are among our most vulnerable community members. • Fixed-site Clinic. The Fixed-site Clinic resumed providing second vaccine doses to staff of long-term care and high-risk retirement homes, essential caregivers and high-risk healthcare workers on Feb 10th. These will continue as the vaccine supply allows, and continuing to be at the 35 day interval from the first dose.

At the current time, vaccinations are being administered as per Phase 1 of the Provincial Framework for the following: • Long-term Care and High-risk Retirement Home Residents • Long-term Care and High-risk Retirement Home Staff • Long-term Care and High-risk Retirement Home Essential Caregivers • Hospital healthcare workers

Information sharing I have attached an updated version of the Q&A document that you first saw a few weeks ago. As always, this information is also included on the City’s website under the COVD-19 vaccine section, frequently asked questions.

This week, we expanded the COVID-19 Vaccines section on the website. In addition to our COVID-19 vaccine landing page (, our vaccines section now contains separate pages for frequently asked questions ( as well as for our expanded vaccine distribution numbers (

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