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Construction on Hwy #8, from Jones Rd to Glover Rd – Resident Notice

July 20, 2012 Attention: Residents / Businesses Construction Notice for contract C15-28-12(HW) Highway No. 8 from Jones Road to Glover Road

The City of Hamilton has a contract with A. Van Egmond Construction (2005) Ltd. to complete works as called for under contract C15-28-12 (HW). Construction is scheduled to commence on or about July 30, 2012 and be substantially completed by September 30, 2012, weather permitting.

The work involves the supply and installation of watermain, water valves and valve chambers, roadway, alley, curb and sidewalk reconstruction from Jones Rd. to Glover Rd. To facilitate this work a temporary above ground by pass watermain will be installed along both sides of Hwy 8 to limit interruptions to the water services during construction. New underground traffic signal ducts will be installed at Glover Rd.

During this time you may experience some inconveniences such as noise, dust, temporary disruption of water service and restricted traffic movement. Every effort will be made to do the work in a timely manner and to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. We ask for your patience during this period.

For the duration of the project, the City of Hamilton on-site inspector will be made available to explain the sequence of work and make note of any anticipated problems during construction.

If you have a medical condition or any physical conditions that may require special attention, please advise the Construction Section as soon as possible.

This notice is your connection to the Construction Section. Please keep it in a convenient location for future reference. As well, please refer to the general notes on the reverse side of this page.

We ask for your co-operation during this period and request that any questions regarding this work be directed to either:

  1. the City’s on-site inspector, Don Putzig

  2. Hazel Rodrigues, Construction Technician (905) 546-2424, ext. 2438

  3. lan McQueen, Project Manager (905) 546-2424, ext. 4355

  4. the City Of Hamilton Construction Section (905)546-4313

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