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Community Ward Meetings Update

Feb 28 and Mar 1st were Commmunity Ward Budget Meetings and they were preceded by an Open House that was an opportunity for informal chats with local residents. It would have been nice to see a stronger turnout in Stoney Creek, but I’m sure that those who attended enjoyed themselves and learned a lot. The same meeting in Glanbrook saw well over 70 people in attendance and staff did a great job presenting budget information at both meetings. I really enjoyed the casual time from 4:30 – 6:30 before the meeting started as it gave myself and residents an nice opportunity for informal chatting and to talk about many issues affecting Ward 11 and the City as a whole. Many residents were happy that they got an email notice of the meeting and I committed to doing that at much as possible in the future. If you would like to be on the email list for upcoming community meetings, please let me know your email address and we’ll take it from there. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know by calling 905-546-4513 or email or via my web page I would again like to thank everyone who attended the meetings. It gives me first hand knowledge about what’s important to you as the residents of Ward 11 and it really helps me in making decisions that affect your and our growing ward 11.

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