On February 6, 2017, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) notified City of Hamilton Public Health Services that a deceased cat originating from rural Glanbrook tested positive for rabies. Public Health Services is working together with Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit and Brant County Health Unit to determine if any local individuals came in contact with a rabid cat.
Public Health Services is asking anyone who may have lost, abandoned, fed, or came in contact with a male adult orange tabby cat in the area bounded by Rymal Road to the north, 5th Line to the south, Fletcher Road and Harrison Road to the east, and Pauline Johnson Road to the west (see attached map) between Sunday, January 22 and Monday, January 30, 2017 to contact their local health unit to determine whether or not they need rabies post-exposure vaccine.
City of Hamilton residents can call 905-546-CITY (2489). Public Health staff can help determine risk of exposure to rabies, and provide information about rabies post-exposure vaccine.
This is Hamilton’s second case of domestic rabies in over 20 years. These two most recent cases, both involving cats, are likely related to the resurgence of raccoon rabies in the area. The CFIA is conducting tests to determine if this is related to the raccoon strain of rabies currently circulating in the wild animal population in Hamilton. Results are expected next week.
Protect your family and pets from rabies: •Avoid contact with live or dead animals including raccoons, skunks, bats, as well as unknown dogs and cats. Do not feed, help, or relocate any wildlife of keep them as pets. •Vaccinate pets against rabies, and keep rabies vaccinations current for dogs and cats to protect them, and prevent any spread to people. •Report animal bites and scratches to public health by calling 905-546-CITY (2489). Wash wounds with soap and water, and seek medical attention. •Report sick, injured, or strange behaving wildlife to City of Hamilton Animal Services by calling 905-546-CITY (2489)